Talent Engagement

True Talent Engagement requires an understanding of the elements that actually make an engaged organization.

Our tools for measurement, methodology for mutual leadership and staff accountability, and highly qualified consultants will deliver a Talent Engagement strategy with results that you can see in your retention, engagement, energy and that little thing we call profitability.


Learn more about the Engagement Multiplier Program

Strategic Coach Testimonial Video #1
3 -minute video, produced by Strategic Coach, about their employees experience with the Engagement Multiplier Program.
Strategic Coach Testimonial Video #2
4-minute video, produced by Strategic Coach, about their employees experience with the Engagement Multiplier Program.
Engagement Multiplier Welcome Video
Simple and helpful, 5 minute video, that runs through the basics of the program, how to use the dashboard, and what happens after the survey closes.
Engagement Multiplier Demo Video
Quick walkthrough of the platform and key features.
Engagement Multiplier Marketing/Sales Video
Quick, 2-minute video covering the benefits of engagement and the key features of the Engagement Multiplier Program.

Connect with Engagement Multiplier